Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I know you're
just trying
to solicit an emotion,
but don't you know
that your prying tongue
and hinging jaws
little more than

When you speak
your lips
send scavengers
to my brain.
They only pick at the decay
which is nothing close
to what
I wish to say.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Maybe This is All We Have

Voices caught in repeat,
we're like the sun
stuck with rising.

One with the air
we settle where
there is place,
regardless of location.

the wind
brings our thoughts
once round the world,
then twice.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Calliope, Erato, and Polyhymnia (or so says wikipedia)

every time
it is
that i write
my thoughts
to your body.
they stray
from my
and wicker
writing chair
to sit and swing
on the seat
of the curl
of your brown and gold

I don't have the mind
to send those spies,
but they report
back to me
I know of your comings,
they say where you go,
and I know-
I just know-
truth hides
your eyelashes.
that's why I watch,
when I know
I'm not wanted.
it's because-
just because-
you hold
the secrets
that could keep the world
from falling
-I mean
the course onto which
it's already

how do you
your skin
so smooth
the creases
that fold this world
into misery?
and your eyes,
they stand
what allows them
to keep their poise
when the rest of us
are well acquainted with
little more
than the ground?

your left shoe lace
is undone,
did you know?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


These dark circles scream:
Raccoon Eyes!
Assault and Battery!
or maybe even Heroin Addict!
But I know they’re undreamt dreams.

I wait for their preview
to roll across my closed eyelids.
When R.E.M. hits
I’ll be ready for the feature presentation.

Until then, my body turns in the dark.
It collects tired skin and aches of bone.

Losing consciousness twelve hours after its expected arrival
is not an option.
Pushing through lead-lined doors of exhaustion,
I convince myself, tonight I’ll sleep,
but what I want, and what my body does
rest on opposite polls of this four corner bed.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


There is a path
worn in my carpet
that identifies
with the heavy penetration
of your voice in my head.
I never sit still.
Something needs to distract me
while I listen.
Usually you’re wanting a reply.

On my wrist
a brownish purple line darkens
each time I pause
and order my thoughts into scripts.
I swear, my meaning
is always stuck in my hand.
It never travels
to my brain through these veins.
Responses burn through my skin
and catch
on the silver sliver
of my bracelet.
I bear the branding
-Left Unsaid.

I am this cast
of hoarded thoughts,
but I mean for my bronze statued lips
to break
and spill something
I don’t expect someone’s hands to sift through
and declare gold.
Just notice
I tread the shore of contemplation
and at times
leave myself behind in the sand.

I know my hand continues to
finger my belt loop,
pull my hair,
and trace the table’s edge.
I know this,
and yet you stare.
You’re expecting something.
I’ve already spoken.
Why must I fulfill your expectations?